1 Adopt A Cop
- Unlimited Classes
- 3 Mornings/ Week
- 5 Nights/ Week
- 1 Open Mat
Subsequent Officers
- Unlimited Classes
- 3 Mornings/ Week
- 5 Nights/ Week
- 1 Open Mat
- *Paid for by Adopt A Cop BJJ
Our Mission
Police officers often find themselves in volatile situations which can quickly turn deadly. In these combative situations, being the more skilled grappler allows the officer a greater amount of control over the situation, which decreases the likelihood of injury or death for both officer and suspect.
Being a police officer is one of the most selfless, dangerous, and important jobs in our world today. Investing in our officers is an investment in our communities. Adopt A Cop BJJ aims to create a more resilient and more effective police force, improve police relations around our country, and ultimately reduce the incidence of police-involved shootings and deaths.
How it Started
Police officers receive minimal instruction or practice in managing physically volatile situations. Often the only training they receive is at the Academy, and a once-per-year defense class. An officer who has the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively control a combative situation will feel more confident in their abilities on the job, and are subsequently less likely to resort to lethal force in fear for their own safety during a volatile interaction. A more highly trained force will result in better outcomes for both officers and suspects.
How It Works
Sponsorship is attendance-based and officers must train at least once per week. Officers are expected to ‘check-in’ by posting once weekly to Instagram using the hashtag #adoptacopbjj. An officer is sponsored until they reach the rank of blue belt, which is the second belt in jiu-jitsu and typically takes 12-18 months to earn.
Our Students Like Us
We believe that the practice of Jiu Jitsu is seen as a means to individual development and personal growth. Strength, self-awareness, confidence, respect, discipline and responsibility are common core values taught within our adult and kid’s programs.
You Belong Here
When you join City of Palms Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you are not just joining a gym, you are joining a community connected through the Jiu Jitsu lifestyle.